It’s Really Happening!

Well. It’s official. We’re really doing this. We have resigned from our jobs (at least I have, Gavin still has another year of leave), rented our house and we are going sailing with our family on an adventure to the South Pacific and beyond.

Our estimated departure date is mid August 2018 when we will sail from Point Roberts to San Francisco.

There is still a lot to do. There are countless jobs on the boat to finish. I need to wrap up work. Kids need to be enrolled in a new distributed learning  school.  We need to downsize and get rid of and store our stuff. And of course, there are a few hockey and soccer games and practices, swimming and gymnastics lessons, and the last school days and summer camps to come.

And how does this feel? Surreal. At least for me. Like it’s something we talk about – to others – but like it’s not actually real. I don’t think I’ll really understand the impact of this and what it feels like until I’ve finished work,  we leave our house for the last time, and step on to our boat and sail out of the Juan de Fuca.

It’s a dream come true. But of course there are questions that lay below the surface. Like what about my career and whether this is the best choice for our family.

And I think about Mark Twain’s quote – about how in twenty years the things you regret most are those that you didn’t do. While I am truly excited about the next steps ahead I wonder how we will look back on this moment and this decision we have made.  And I think about how there is often a quote or maxim to support any view or direction one takes.

I know in my heart this is the right decision, right now.

Kudos to folks who post video tutorials about how to create your own websites and blogs. Please bear with us as we navigate new terrain and learn new skills as we launch and update our blog.

Happy Mothers day!